Monday, February 07, 2005

The day that we never FORGET !!!

Weekend same as usual, all the RC Pilots been flying at Polo field. That day was a week before Chinese New Year of 2005.

Out of nowhere, there's a irresponsible beginner flyer, trying to take off a 60 size of WWII P-51 Mustang.......
When that plane before reaching the 'S' speed, he lift up the elevator!! Too bad that cause the plane to 'STALL'!! And it's crash into the Pilots face beside who enjoying flying his planes !!!

That guy after been hit by the BIG plane with the 'aluminium spinner', fall down to the field.....nobody is controlling his trainer plane at that moment which still flying on the sky, after about 5 second....we saw his plane 'CRASH' with full throttle about 20 feets away from him!! GOSH! (If the trainer crash on somebody, I can't really imagine the consequences !!)

The prop cut his face with no mercy! Thanks to the big luck he has that the prop doesn't cut 1 inch below......otherwise the person who lying down the field is a DEAD MAN!

Thanks God, the Civil Defense Team : Dr. Patrick Chin (Pilot too) & his wife quickly do whatever they can to stop the breeding & drive him as fast as he can to the nearest hospital !!!

If this happen to you before, you should know that it could 'KILL' !!
Just because of some pilots just don't care about the others safety & the safety rules and regulation or so call 'Kampung Spirits' as they have, and will be accidently become a murderer !

After that, that guy with his so call 'brother' just left without anything! Can you imagine that??!!
Since that day the so call 2 brothers never appear at POLO again.

This is a LESSON for all PILOTS at POLO and make sure it will NOT happen again!


Will try to get his photo after the incident if he don't mind.....

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